STRUCTURAL EDITING: Do you want your story
to stick with readers for days, weeks or months
to come? Whether you're a seasoned professional or
an aspiring author, a structural edit could be the
difference between a book that resonates and one that
is easily forgotten.
A structural edit analyses target market, characterisation, GMC (goal, motivation and conflict), pacing, setting, plot, narrative voice, structure, POV and more to help you make your novel the best it can be. This form of edit is comprised of a multi-page report and a marked up manuscript, leaving you with easy-to-follow instructions that will make your story stronger.

LINE EDITING: A line edit is your standard form of editing, CREATIVE ink style. Think basic spelling and grammar, plus benefits. From repetition to inconsistencies, unnecessary words to awkward phrasing, and even bigger-scale issues that you might need a second set of eyes to see (and trust me, we've all been there—when you're the author, it's hard to see the forest for the trees!), this is the edit for you.
A line edit consists of one pass and a two-hour revision to allow you to workshop any problem areas in your story and have them looked over. A second read is available on request for an additional (reduced) fee.
STRUCTURAL EDITING: A structural edit analyses target market, characterisation, GMC (goal, motivation and conflict), pacing, setting, plot, narrative voice, structure and more - it's like a customised lesson in story craft. This form of edit is comprised of a multi-page report and a marked up manuscript, leaving you with easy-to-follow instructions that will make your story stronger.
This edit includes one pass from your editor and a two-hour revision or consultation session to ensure you feel confident when tackling your next draft.
Current rate: $0.025AUD/word (approx. $828USD for a 50,000-word novel)
LINE EDITING: A line edit is your standard form of editing, CREATING ink style. Think basic spelling and grammar, plus benefits. From repetition to inconsistencies, unnecessary words to awkward phrasing, and even bigger-scale issues that you might need a second set of eyes to see (and trust me, we've all been there—when you're the author, it's hard to see the forest for the trees!), this is the edit for you.
A line edit consists of one pass and a two-hour revision to allow you to workshop any problem areas in your story and have them looked over.
Current rate: $0.02AUD/word (approximately $662USD for a 50,000-word novel).

FINAL READ: Do you need an extra set of eyes on your manuscript? Before you send your story off into the big, wide world, get a final set of eyes to have a look through it.
A final read is an affordable way to have your manuscript checked for spelling errors and minor inconsistencies. This is only available to people who have already had their manuscript line or copy edited either by the CREATING ink team or another editor/editing house, and it can be invaluable. Make your manuscript shine with this powerful additional service.
Current rate: $0.008AUD/word

THE FIRST 20K: The start of the journey is always the hardest. Beginning a manuscript can feel like magic, finally unleashing all those words you have inside you that are just begging to reach the real world—and then you hit 20,000 words. They stop. Dry up. Die.
Does that sound like you? Whether you've written yourself into a corner or have a serious case of the start-of-story blues, a FIRST 20K evaluation can get you motivated and back on the path to success in no time. Recapture that magical manuscript feeling with this flat-rate analysis of your story, comprising of a written report and some marked up notes on your manuscript.
Current rate: $500AUD
BETA READING: Do you want your manuscript to be the very best it can be? Engage one of the CREATING ink team's beta readers to help make your story shine.
Your beta read will be performed by an industry professional, who will then give feedback via a form and some markings in your manuscript. This is a great way to help you discover what's working in your story and what could use some improvement, as well as to uncover characters that aren't resonating and potential plot holes.
RATE: $70USD/75,000 words + $5USD for every 10,000 words or part thereof in addition