Lauren Clarke's keen eye, sharp mind, and fine insight into
character, motivation and story are priceless! She's been my editor
for more than four years and twenty-five books and I can't imagine
working on a novel without her. She knows exactly what my books need
to become better!
-#1 NYT best-selling author Lauren Blakely
Lauren McKellar (Clarke) was first introduced to me through my publisher and was my lead editor for three manuscripts. I enjoyed working with her so much I hired Lauren to edit a further 13 books that I’ve self-published. Lauren is patient, meticulous, efficient and most of all professional. We worked together on a complex twelve book series and Lauren was a life saver in helping me track my characters and managing plot flaws and Lauren has been instrumental in helping me develop my voice. I’ve recently been offered a three book publishing deal after submitting a manuscript Lauren edited. I can attribute a huge chunk of my success to Lauren and I highly recommend her expert services. I wouldn’t be living my full-time author dream without her.
-Kendall Talbot
Lauren Clarke is the editor who contributes to your growth as an author, the one who will help you maximize the potential of your manuscripts, and improve your writing skills. I consider Lauren to be not just my editor, but my writing coach. She cares about my development as much as she invests in her own skills as an editor. A consummate professional, Lauren’s keen eye, observations and suggestions are a key to a well-rounded, solid manuscript and I wouldn’t consider working with anyone else.
-Elizabeth Miller
It's my hope that I never publish another book that hasn't been edited by Lauren Clarke. She doesn't pull any punches with her critique, but that's exactly what I want in an editor. In a constructive and positive way, she makes me dig deeper than I thought possible ensuring my manuscript is the absolute best it can be. I know when I send her my work, it's in the very best of hands and for that, I'm truly grateful.
-Kate Sterritt
Lauren Clarke is a true friend-itor. Her attention to detail is unparalleled, as is her ability to elicit the very best work from each of her authors. She is unyielding but kind, as meticulous as she is humorous. I enjoy reading her manuscript notes almost as much as I enjoy being done implementing them. Lauren's eagle eye is the reason I feel so comfortable pressing 'publish.' She's one of the finest editors I've had the pleasure of working with, and I could not have embarked on this indie journey without her.
-S.T. Bende, international bestselling YA author
Lauren’s editing is thorough, insightful and entertaining. She has a way of pushing you gently but firmly, to find a better turn of phrase. She is skilled in big picture point of view also, and I’ve learned an incredible amount from her. Most people look forward to a structural edit with great trepidation, but Lauren makes it a wild ride, pointing out the highs and lows of a manuscript with precision and class.
-Julie Ann Grasso