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We're back, baby! I'm so excited to announce that the 30-Day, 10-Minute Author Business Challenge is returning for another year. We loved hosting this successful event at the start of 2019 and met some amazing authors while we did it. We can't wait to do it all again next month.

Sorry ... the 30-Day what-now?

If you missed it last year, this challenge is all about setting you small activities that can be achieved in ten minutes (give or take) every day in January to help set you up for a successful 2020.

This is not craft focused, but business focused. We're going to talk about the hard things, from money to marketing to mindset, to help you put your best business foot forward.

So it's craft-focused then.

Sorry, no. This is a business challenge. We do have a writing prompt challenge scheduled for later in the year, but this is not that.

Who is this for?

This is aimed for authors at all stages of their writing journey. We attempt to have some things in there for newer and more established writers because we love to share the love, no matter what stage you're at in your career. We also aim to provide challenges for both independent and traditionally published authors.

Some days, though, the challenge may not apply to you. When this happens, we try to offer alternatives, but also, if that still doesn't work? You get the day off. Your sleep-in is on us.

How does it work?

It's simple, really. You sign up below, and on the 2nd of January (because we all need to take the 1st off), you'll start to receive your challenges. There's also a Facebook group you can join where we had some really interesting discussions and some great and candid advice from authors at all different stages of their career. That link is available once you sign up below.

What do the challenges 'look' like?

Challenges will be centred around concepts you most likely already know. This isn't teaching you new things - more like reminding you of existing tools and techniques you can use to streamline your business. For example, one challenge might be to update your author biography (but don't worry - we'll give you some tips on how to get it done, too).

How much does it cost?

This is a free initiative. It costs you zero. Nada. Nothing.

Why do we do it? I'm a big believer in giving back. So many people have helped me in my journey to be an editor, educator and coach, and if I can give even a fraction of that assistance back? It's worth it.

Is this an annoying data grab, and then you'll email me every day and hound me to buy your products?

No, sirree, sir. I'm not that kind of gal but, if you do want to remain on my mailing list afterward, of course I would be honoured.

How is this different from the 2019 version?

The 2020 version will cover a lot of the same topics, but we'll have some fresh new takes and some new ideas. But the biggest change is this: while this challenge still spans 30 days, we'll be taking weekends off. Because sanity, you guys. It's important to take time for yourself and start the year the way you mean to finish it - with a work-life balance.

Sound like your cup of tea?

Sign up HERE

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